Share index is a collection of stocks representing a particular industry, country, or an entire segment of the world economy. By investing in a single market index, you can speculate on the future of hundreds of powerful companies and plan out your future market journey.
It’s a convenient way to assess market trends and trade on their correlative indices such as DOW 30, NASDAQ, S&P 500, and other big indices, without having to trade each asset separately.
Do you believe that Apple will initially take over the world? Or maybe you have a very specific take on Tesla’s future? While purchasing shares of a company can be an excellent way to ample up your portfolio, trading an index composed of anything between 30 to 500 individual shares helps stabilize your investments while still able to garner short-term yield.
Pack your investment portfolio with the companies that define where the economy of the whole world is headed. Trading CFDs on a couple of major indices can provide you with valuable insight into the market situation, helping to adjust strategies regarding other assets.
Since the beginning of index trading, one fact remains stable – indices are handy and powerful tools to assess the general direction of economic development.
Trading indices CFDs on CredCapitals provides you with a more reasonable option to have your say in the future of the world’s biggest economy drivers. It doesn’t stop there, as you will get access to unmissable trading instruments that allow you to make smart moves and chase the opportunity to capitalize on more short-termed bids.
If you’re looking for a local Australian asset that might be easier to monitor, we also offer the S&P/ASX 200б. For more global options, go with DAX 30, DOW 30, FTSE 100, NASDAQ 100, MIB 40, Nikkei 225, and other potent stock indices.
Just choose your terminal between the laptop-ready MetaTrader 4, online Web Trader or our crowd-favorite mobile platform, and set off on a challenging, yet rewarding market journey.